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"Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common. Celebrate it every day."

— Winston Churchill

United Way of Cleveland County, NC Commitment ToDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We recognize that Every One of Us brings a unique perspective and experience to advance our mission and our work for the education, health, and financial stability of all people across our county that we serve.

Our organization reaffirms the following beliefs in our policies which guide and direct our employment practices, program funding, volunteer recruitment, and service delivery:

  • We Believe in the Dignity of All People and that Everyone Deserves the Opportunity to Thrive.


  • We Value diversity and Respect All Beings, without regard to race, creed, color, gender, religion, disability, sex, age, veteran status or national origin.


  • We Support Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity throughout our Organization.


  • We Refuse to Engage in or Tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment as it undermines the well-being and vitality of our communities.

The United Way of Cleveland County Board of Directors and staff stand committed to affirming our identity as an anti-racist organization.

  • Equity is the foundation of our work engagement with donors to our investment of community resources to our interactions with the public. We define equity as the presence of justice and fairness within the procedures, processes and distribution of resources by institutions or systems. 


  • Our mission compels us to prioritize historically marginalized and systematically excluded people. We maintain that building and sustaining equity in our county requires an ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion that is fully expressed in our organizational culture, values, norms and behaviors and those of our partners.

Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of what it means to


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